Why Backups Are Important For Your Website

Importance of backup

The ultimate defense in a crashed, broken, or hacked website is to regularly back up it’s files, so you can restore it in a moment’s notice. Any website is prone to problems, and a WordPress-built site is no different, requiring routine maintenance, security updates and a strong backup solution.

Taking care of your website is not just designing it beautifully or boosting your SEO score; it is also important to back it up. If you’re unsure why your site needs to be backed up, read the five important reasons below.


Protect against human error


1. Protect Against Human Error

It’s just a matter of time before someone logs into your site and accidentally breaks something by incorrectly editing files or installing a bad plugin, which can cause serious problems like losing data. Though you can restore important files or web pages to their previous version, errors such as this might be hard to fix. Time, effort, and money can all be spared if you have a recent backup available to restore everything to its previous condition. Usually your hosting panel will provide options to save, and back up your website at regular intervals.

2. Prevent Website’s Data Loss

As a website owner, performing backups to your site regularly is also important so you don’t lose data just because of an accident or hardware failure. Sometimes, granting too many privileges to your team in accessing your site due to administrative privileges can cause them to do something wrong accidentally, leading to the site’s malfunction.

If your site malfunctions, recovering lost data using your website’s backup files wouldn’t be easy. Possessing technical knowledge in restoring an entire website backup is beneficial in preventing file loss because you’ll know how to diagnose what can cause problems, and quickly recover information.

Remember that errors can cause data loss, so a full website backup is important to keep your website functioning properly if primary data fails.

3. Enhance Website Security

In the digital world, security precautions are crucial to prevent a security incident caused by hackers. Cloud backups offered by web hosts are better than manual backups or basic storage data backup solutions on hard drives (HDD). This is because, in HDD backups, data corruption, hard disk drive theft, and storage failure can happen.

Acquiring off-site backups solution in your web server will be your safety net with numerous types of encryption kept on servers with multiple locations. Ensure that you have a website backup ready for your crucial data.


Website backup file


4. Quick Site Backup File Recovery

Utilizing a backup service by a hosting provider is a major perk for website owners. It can use the most previous backup to quickly return your site to its original status in case of a sudden website update or issue.

Generally, a service provider will manually restore the backups’ important data. They can provide regular backups, incremental backups, and lightning-fast website data recovery with a one-click restore.

Surely, disaster recovery backups are a must-have for owners of an ecommerce business. So, ensure a backup plan for your website files if you don’t want to retrieve your site manually or experience malware infections that could make you lose out on sales.

5. Handle Compatibility Issues

If you own a WordPress website, utilizing many plugins could slow down, and even crash your site. Though plugin tools are useful, they could risk your entire site to security vulnerability or incompatibility.

Luckily, website backups help you to handle compatibility errors by doing a full backup before installing new plugins. With this approach, you regain control to restore your site and revert to the last backup if a compatibility issue arises. After that, you can again set up whatever other tool you like.

Protect Your Site’s Files With Complete Backup

Your site’s file system will remain vulnerable if you don’t have the right contingency plan. Without scheduled backups, you’ll experience worst-case scenarios. So, implement a backup schedule to guarantee the safety of the most up-to-date data on your site.

Also, with website backups, your site will always have its safety and accessibility giving you peace of mind. Remember that having a maintenance plan with a solid backup system can help minimize the chances of losing data and website malfunctions. So use one with a good web host with highly sophisticated techniques that create backups in your control panel.

About the Author
Owner of Direct Allied Agency, Kevin Khoury standing outside and looking into the camera